"詹姆斯·布朗" 共找到影视: 17 部

辛普森一家第五季 7


  • 已更新至22集
  • 1993  

  《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)是美国福克斯广播公司的一部动画情景喜剧,由马特·格勒宁创作。该剧通过展现霍默、玛琦、巴特、莉萨和玛吉一家五口的生活,讽刺性地勾勒出了居住在美国心脏地带人们的生活方式。空间设定于虚构小镇春田镇的《辛普森一家》,从许多角度对美国的文化与社会、人的条件和电视本身进行了幽默的嘲讽。

Loudmouth 5


  He’s been called a con man, a charlatan, a race-baiting rabble-rouser, and a whole lot more, but who is the Reverend Al Sharpton really and how did he become one of the most controversial Civil Rights activists of the modern era Loudmouth cuts through the clichés and assumptions surrounding the track-suit-wearing crusader to investigate the roots of his political engagement an...

MyMotherSoldMe:Cambodia,WhereVirginityIsACommodity 9


  For their own protection, the identities of some characters have been concealed.
  Millions of Cambodians live in extreme poverty, dependent either on menial jobs or credit but when finances stretch too far, desperate families see no other choice than to capitalise the only asset they have left, their daughters’ virginity.
  Many men are eager to pay for sex with a virgin because l...

安妮恨史 2


  A prostitute is thrown out of her house by her alcoholic father, and her scheming brother-in-law tries to devise a plan to marry her off and make some money in the process.

摇滚乐的历史 4


  • 已更新至10集
  • 1995  

  The history of rock n' roll and pop music are explored are explored via interviews and footage of well-known music stars.

荡寇先锋 10


灵歌势力 7


  This movie is a selection from many hours of footage produced before and during the music festival that was to accompany "The Rumble in the Jungle" - the heavyweight championship fight between Ali and Foreman in '74. The festival was meant to bring the American soul/r&b/funk/blues musicians "back home" to Africa and give them the opportunity to perform alongside African stars, ...

摇滚世代 10


  As the King of all music festivals takes a break in 2006, Temple's documentary is the closest thing you can get to the Glastonbury experience this year. It charts the history of the event, but is formed in a way that recreates the feeling...

一代拳王 9



雪场派对 1


击败魔鬼 10


  2002年11月,年轻的白人司机(克里夫·欧文 Clive Owen 饰)载着传奇灵歌教父詹姆斯·布朗(詹姆斯·布朗 James Brown 饰)来到一处豪华酒店与某人见面。经过层层关卡,他们来到一处光怪陆离的诡异所在。另司机难以置信的是,他们所要见的是号称“黑暗王子”的魔鬼(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)。原来詹姆斯布朗在年轻时曾和魔鬼做过交易,从而拥有了长达半个世纪的舞台辉煌。而今这个年事已高的殿堂明星自感灵感不在,于是希望和魔鬼再做一次交易,或者说是赌博,他得胜的话便能如愿以偿。

福禄双霸天 9


  这是一部充满音乐表演的无厘头喜剧。杰克(约翰·贝鲁西 John Belushi 饰)和艾伍德(丹·艾克罗伊德 Dan Aykroyd 饰)曾经是音乐狂人,组乐队搞演出是他们的拿手好戏。杰克却因为一桩抢劫案而坐了牢,从此荒废了音乐事业。出狱那天,艾伍德前来接风,二人兴致勃勃前往自幼长大的孤儿院探望玛丽修女,却被告知这个孤儿院已经欠了一大笔税款面临关门,除非有人能在十一天内凑齐5000美元。

FiveGunstoTombstone 2


  Matt Wade escapes from prison and tries to persuade his brother Bill, a reformed gunslinger, to participate in a hold-up. Billy refuses but Matt frames him and he is forced to ride off with the gang. Billy fights with his brother and accidentally kills him, while Matt's teen-aged son, Ted, who thinks his father had been paroled from prison, sees the shooting. Returning to town ...

HughHefner'sAfterDark:SpeakingOutinAmerica 5


  HUGH HEFNER'S AFTER DARK: SPEAKING OUT IN AMERICA features a treasure trove of archival footage from Hugh Hefner's landmark TV series, Playboy's Penthouse (1 season, 1959-1960) and Playboy After Dark (2 seasons, 1968-1970).

反攻缅甸 1

