"西泽·米兰" 共找到影视: 18 部

红桌会第一季 2


  • 最新更新
  • 2018  

  Jada Pinkett Smith, her daughter Willow, and mother Gammy - three generations of women open their home for a series of candid conversations with family and friends about the most important and provocative topics of the day. Follow Red Table Talk for new episodes, only on Facebook Watch.

呼叫西萨狗教官 10


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2014  

  Cesar knows that the best way to make changes within a neighborhood is to make an agreement. From dog park, to sidewalks, wherever dogs and their owners congregate, there is inevitable drama. Cesar's mission is to make the world a more peaceful place for pet owners- one neighborhood at a time.

金牌训狗师:狗狗王国第一季 4


  • 已更新至8期
  • 2017  


狗语者第一季 6


  • 已更新至26期
  • 2004  

  在职业训犬师里面也有一些人似乎有这种非凡的与狗狗交流的能力,能够纠正一些有最极端的问题狗狗,这些人就叫做狗语者,the dog whisperer。
  「Dog Whisperer」是国家地理频道收视率最高的节目,爱狗人士强力推荐。在本节目中这个可以与狗对话的大师叫做Cesar Millan,他不但可以将那些狗主人拿它没辄的问题犬一一导回正途,更可以透过他帮助狗主人和爱犬进行沟通,无论是咆哮不停的美国猎犬,还是目光凶恶的狮子狗,只要来到Cesar Millan面前,就会立即安静下来。透过本节目,可以发现其实常常真正需要Millan帮助的不是行为异常的狗,而是它们的主人。 所以当狗主们遇到问题时, Millan通常是他们最后的希望。「Dog Whisperer」大多数节目都在问题狗求助者家里或附近拍摄,除非一些极端案例,Millan就会带回心理中心研究。...

金牌训狗师:狗主人训练班第一季 1


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2021  

  Cesar Millan is back. With dog adoptions at a record high Cesar's timely return to television will give new pet parents the tools they need to teach their dogs good habits and shed the old bad habits. From the yards of the pet owners, to his newly updated Dog Psychology Center, Cesar shows us the skills we need to create happy homes with our furry best friends.

萌宠流浪记 4


  • 已完结
  • 2019  


西薩狗教官:亞洲接班人 6


  • 已更新至7期
  • 2017  


Mindfulness:BeHappyNow 10


  Mindfulness: the art of simply being present. From Oprah to Phil Jackson to Anderson Cooper, it has been embraced by some of the world's most successful people. Featuring testimonies from Deepak Chopra, Thich Nhat Hanh, Sharon Stone, Oliver Stone, and more, this documentary shows you how to embrace mindfulness in your own life. Like mindfulness itself, the film is simple, direc...

狗班长选狗窝第一季 8


  • 已更新至12期
  • 2013  

  The series follows Cesar Millan as he helps gives sheltered dogs new homes and takes place at Millan's newest Dog Psychology Center located in Miraflores, Spain. Candidate individuals and families compete against each other to demonstrate that they can offer each dog a matching and balanced home. One of the candidates wins the contest each episode and is given the dog

呼叫西萨狗教官:亚洲篇 9


  • 已更新至4期
  • 2014  

  Cesar Millan is on the road, rehabilitating dogs and spreading his message of pack leadership to the citizens of Singapore and Hong Kong. Each week, Cesar travels to a community that is in desperate need of his help. He is summoned by neighbors, co-workers, relatives and friends who “blow the whistle” on a four-legged menace that has turned their lives up upside down. Whethe...