"英格丽·卡文" 共找到影视: 23 部

世界旦夕之间 7


  • 已更新至2集
  • 1973  

  《世界旦夕之间》是1973年法斯宾德为电视台制作的两部式科幻电影,改编自伽洛耶出版于1964年的长篇小说《三重模拟》(Simulacron-3),本片后来被好莱坞翻拍成《异次元骇客》(The Thirteenth Floor),并深刻启发了后来的同题材系列电影《黑客帝国》。

会思考的猫 4


  Daniel Schmid - Le chat qui pense documents the eventful life and cinematic legacy of an exceptional Swiss film and opera director. It spans the filmmaker's formative childhood in a Belle Epoque hotel in the Swiss Alps; follows his escape to a turbulent 1960s Berlin, his love of cinema, and his encounters with Rainer Werner Fassbinder. The film travels with Schmid through tim...

横渡欲望 2


  What was your first desire What did you long for most Arielle Dombasle put these questions to a collection of famous people.

法斯宾德的女人们 1


  法斯宾达,是德国电影史上的怪才大师。二十岁起创作作品已遍及剧场、电影和电视,是早期德国新电影重要的一员。性格喜怒无常的他,感情生活扑朔迷离,男人女人都为他倾倒、自愿受他的奴役折磨。 37岁便因为嗑药酗酒过量致死,英年早逝更使他充满神奇色彩。 本片导演走访多位法斯宾达生前重要的合作夥伴和情人,尝试勾勒出这位传奇人物背后的深层影响, 带领观众走进法斯宾达如行走于刀锋上的创作主题与生命情调。

英格丽·卡文,音乐与歌声 10


  Film and stage actress Ingrid Caven is also a singer. During concerts she alternates between Kurt Weill, The Beatles, Erik Satie, Schnberg and texts written for her by Rainer W. Fassbinder, Hans Magnus Enzensberger and Jean-Jacques Schuhl (winner of the 2000 Prix Goncourt for his novel based on her).
  In this concert we hear several new pieces, including an electronic compositi...

Goldflocken 3


  Quatre histoires, Cuba , Drame du rail , Cur brisé et La trahison , encadrées par un prologue et un épilogue, exaltent la sensualité des corps et la beauté des visages.
  Le film préféré de Werner Schroeter, qui mit beaucoup de temps à voir le jour et subit de nombreuses coupes.
   La séquence en noir et blanc de Flocons d'or dans laquelle je joue, est, je pense, la ...

维奥兰塔 4


  A young man raises the dead in a high valley where the power is held by Violanta.

我只希望你们爱我 6


  • 已完结
  • 1976  


纳西斯和塞茜 2


  Narcisus and Psyche is based on a novel by Sandor Weores which was adapted by Vilmos Csaplar and director Gabor Body for a feature-length film. Borrowing the character of Psyche from mythology and placing her in Europe in the 19th century, the authors give her a "modern" life. She is an attractive young woman - and remains so throughout the film, in spite of one hardship after ...

葡萄牙女人 8



35杯朗姆酒 10


  • 已完结
  • 2008  

  不是巧合,相依為命的父女、愛酒的父親、起眼的道具,都衝着小津而來。Claire Denis(《影舞者瑪德》)獻給小津之作,如果不說,你只能認得出運鏡如寫詩的簽名樣式,也不會知道兩人可以這麼近。憂鬱的藍夜,迷宮似的公路網,交織樓房之間的地鐵路軌,高超的場面調度先寫孤寂的城市個性,然後人物放進去,不用多話,戲便自然在了。不放心女兒的父親,不想去愛的女兒,宛如親人的鄰里,凝聚成親和力極強的世界,展開連綿故事。小津會認同:生命有時,人要懂得放下。

玛利亚·玛丽布罕之死 1


  This bizarre film by one of the most original directors now working in Germany is hermetic, expressionist, oblique, and of a creative perversity that bespeaks the presence of a genius. Purporting to deal with a real-life 19th century diva 'whose popularity was such that over-exertion led to her death while singing,' the film is actually a grisly series of frozen or tortured tab...

天使之影 3


  Beautiful, detached, laconic, consumptive Lily Brest is a streetwalker with few clients. She loves her idle boyfriend Raoul who gambles away what little she earns. The town's power broker, called the rich Jew, discovers she is a good listener, so she's soon busy. Raoul imagines grotesque sex scenes between Lily and the Jew; he leaves her for a man. Her parents, a bitter Fascist...

马露 8


  Malou feels that the difficulties she is experiencing in her relationships lie in her past and so she searches out information about her mother. Her mother, a nightclub singer who lived in Germany, France and Argentina, becomes the focus of a series of flashbacks through which we learn of her mother's stormy life and the difficulty she had in bringing her up. These insights ena...