"艾米丽·比查姆" 共找到影视: 24 部

StockholmBloodbath 7


  It follows Anne and Freja as they seek revenge on the men who murdered their family. They end up in Stockholm, where they are drawn into a political power struggle between Sweden and Denmark that culminates in a mass execution.

信仰召唤 9


  Joanna is about to graduate from University with her whole life set up for her but she has decided to face up to a truth she has been avoiding her whole life. Since she was small, she has had the desire to become a Nun. She is set on joining a closed order of Benedictines. Her best friend cannot believe it, her boyfriend is devastated and her mother feels it's just a phase. The...

TheOldManandTheLand 2


  An old farmer works his land like he always has, season after season, though his powers are now waning. But who will he leave it to in turn, when the time finally does come, for him to let go

tortoise 7


  A desperate young woman must overcome amnesia in order to understand her strange surroundings and finally be reunited with her daughter...

TheOctopusNest 5


  When a couple notice the same woman in the background of their holiday photos going back ten years, the wife's search for the truth leads her to question the truthfulness of the life she's been living all these years, and whether or not it's worth turning a blind eye for...Adapted from Sophie Hannah's award-winning novella, it was also turned into a radio play that was broadcas...

TheOutsideRoom 10


  Milla, a 70 year old white woman, in the terminal stages of motor neuron disease, trapped in silence and confined to her bed, struggles to make herself "heard" by her black maid servant and now nurse, Agaat. Slowly the events leading to this room are recalled: 1950s when life in South Africa was full of promise Milla inherits her Grandmother's farm, marries the dashing but crue...

敏感案件第一季 4


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2011  

  Returning from a Swiss business trip, executive Mark Bretherick finds the dead bodies of his wife Geraldine and daughter in the bathtub. It looks like a *******, but there's no note or known motive. Country police chief Proust gives the case to recent London transferee, detective sergeant Charlie Zailer. Lacking confidence, she ignores the advice of veteran DC Simon Waterhouse,...

荒原第一季 8


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2015  


德伯家的苔丝 4


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2008  

  善良淳朴的农家姑娘苔丝(杰玛阿特登 Gemma Arterton 饰),为了改变家人窘迫不堪的生活,在家人的劝说下去攀附有钱的亲戚德伯家族。被心性险恶的“堂哥”少爷亚历克(汉斯麦瑟逊 Hans Matheson 饰)在密林里奸污怀孕。怀有身孕的苔丝回到父母的身边,生下的小孩却在不久后夭折,失去贞洁的苔丝在周围人的嘲笑和议论中艰难度日,心灵和肉体都遭受着巨大的伤害。南部奶牛场辛苦的劳作生活让苔丝痛苦的人生有了一个崭新的开始,并结识了英俊正直的安奇尔(埃迪雷德梅恩 Eddie Redmayne 饰),与之相爱。新婚之夜苔丝向安奇尔坦白了自己的过去,原本企图获得原谅。生于基督教家庭的安奇尔无法接受事实,离开了苔丝。痛苦的苔丝又陷入了被过往的回忆折磨的绝望生活中。而伪善的亚力克此时又再度纠缠上了她…
  改编自英国著名小说家和诗人托马斯 哈代的同名小说...

1899 7


  • 已完结
  • 2022  


荒原第三季 10


  • 已更新至16集
  • 2018  


荒原第二季 2


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2017  

  在数个世纪之后,人类重新回到封建时代,那些最强壮、最残忍的人逐渐掌握权力和财富。在被称作“不毛之地”的地方,由七个相互敌对的贵族爵爷分割统治,他们垄断了一切日常生活的必须物资,在忠实军队“剪刀手”的协助下推行铁腕统治。而“剪刀手”的地位远远高于普通人,因此他们愿意为主子牺牲性命。很少有“剪刀手”能活过30岁,但Sunny(吴彦祖饰)并不是普通的“剪刀手”。他精通武术,令人畏惧,并很快成为贵族Quinn(马尔顿·索克斯饰)的首席“剪刀手”、最信任的顾问和摄政大臣 。

百年乡情第二季 6


  • 已完结
  • 2014  

  BBC台和Peter Moffat的野心之作The Village在提名了三项BAFTA奖之后进入第二季,匹克地区的小村故事告别了艰难惨痛的一战,带着隐隐作痛的旧伤口拥抱欢快的爵士乐时代。新的时代带来新的技术和对政治、爱情、性的不同观念,冲击着村民的日常生活。爱因斯坦、玛丽斯特普、无线通讯、电力、真空吸尘器、包装薯片和查尔斯顿舞夹杂在源源不断的新事物中涌入小村,工党第一次执政,雪莱的"Ye are many, they are few"铿锵在耳,仿佛万事皆有可能。年轻的Bert走出单相思初尝爱情的甜蜜;Grace Middleton寻找能代表劳动者和女性的政治声音;Edmund Allingham追逐权力并和另一位男性陷入爱河;村里迎来了第一位黑皮肤的访客;学校的教室里的也孕育着爱情之花……且看这场社会变革如何通过一个平凡村庄的故事展现。(豆瓣Jo...

派对动物 6


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2007  

  BBC 拍摄的电视连续剧。说的是一批在众议院从事幕后政治活动的年轻人的故事。听上去象英国版的West Wing,但英国人喜欢看这部美国电视剧,但注定自己拍不了(BBC Radio 4 还曾有个节目讨论为什么英国人不可能拍West Wing)。结果剧中人物非奸即傻,播出后反应平平。布莱尔时代政治的幕后运作有许多曝光,此剧号称反映议会政治运作内幕,却被内幕人士指已经过时。BBC 还未决定是否拍第二季。

百年乡情第一季 7


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2013  
