"罗杰·沃特斯" 共找到影视: 15 部

WishYouWeren'tHere:TheDarkSideofRogerWaters 5


  This is the highly acclaimed full length documentary about Pink Floyd legend Roger Waters and his controversial views against Israel, including saying Israel is worse than Nazi Germany. Waters is widely known as a leader of the BDS Movement,which aims to get artists to boycott Israel. Many prominent world leaders and musicians appear in this film, discussing Waters/contemporary...

SydBarrett'sFirstTrip 1


  This experimental silent short is very rare (filmed in 8mm) and only lasts 11 minutes. Nigel Gordon, film student, filmed Syd Barrett while he tripped on mushrooms. This film is made up of two parts. Part 1: Syd tripping at Gog Magog Hills. Part 2: April '67, Pink Floyd right after they signed their first recording contract, with EMI Records at Abbey Road Studios. (imdb)

SpeedCrazy 5


摇滚乐的历史 4


  • 已更新至10集
  • 1995  

  The history of rock n' roll and pop music are explored are explored via interviews and footage of well-known music stars.

如果这些墙会歌唱 3


  If These Walls Could Sing arrives with the 90th anniversary of famed London recording studio.
  Universal Music Group’s recently-launched production house Mercury Studios has announced a documentary about Abbey Road Studios. If These Walls Could Sing will explore the legendary recording studio’s history in conjunction with Abbey Road’s 90th anniversary this November. The film is ...

罗杰·沃特斯:我们+他们 2


  这部电影以最先进的视觉制作和惊人的声音为特色。拍摄在阿姆斯特丹的欧洲站2017 - 2018年美国+他们参观了水域执行全球超过二百万人,从他的传奇电影歌曲Pink Floyd专辑(月球的阴暗面,墙上,动物,希望你在这里),从他最后的专辑,这是我们真正想要的生活吗沃特斯与备受赞誉的电影《罗杰·沃特斯的墙》的富有远见的导演肖恩·埃文斯再次合作,推出了这部具有创造性的开创性的电影,以其强有力的音乐和人权、自由和爱的信息来鼓舞人心。

12-12-12 9


  A behind-the-scenes look at the televised benefit concert to raise relief funds for victims of Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

迷墙:柏林演唱会 10


  • 最新更新
  • 1990  

  1 In The Flesh - Scorpions
  2 The Thin Ice - Ute Lemper/Roger Waters
  3 Another Brick In The Wall (Pt. 1) - Roger Waters
  4 The Happiest Days Of Our Lives - Joe Chemay/John J
  5 Another Brick In The Wall (Pt. 2) - Cyndi Lauper
  6 Mother - Sinead O' Conner & The Band
  7 Goodbye Blue Sky - Joni Mitchell
  8 Empty Spaces - Bryan Adams/Roger Waters
  9 Young Lust - Bryan Adams
  10 O...

平克弗洛伊德:庞贝古城现场录音纪录片 4


  英文名称:Live at Pompeii
  专辑歌手:Pink Floyd
  这张DVD真的足够叫平克迷喷血了,为Pink Floyd于1974年在庞贝古城现场录音记录片导演剪辑版,我rip的时候连同一个24分钟的导演访谈也做了。这个版本的庞贝古城现场为16:9画面制作,质素强过以前市面上任何VCD、DVD全屏幕版现场video,为诸位平克迷献上,与同好之人分享乃最大乐趣!片中珍贵画面太多,截图数量有限,未能反映乐队成员对录音与乐器技术的见解、导演对庞贝古城文化的刻画。另,最后一张截图为导演Adrian Maben。
  Pink Floyd是一支以技术、创作思想和现场演出效果见长的迷幻摇滚乐队,演出场地的选择也成为他们艺术生涯中一个颇为引人注目的亮点,因此庞贝古城现场录...

平克·弗洛伊德:愿你在此的故事 7


  Roger Waters、David Gilmour、Nick Mason、Richard Wright等人讲述了1975年9月发行的专辑《Wish You Were Here》的创作过程。

HopingFoundation 9


chitchatwithoysters 10


  the black and white footage in the Pompeii Director's Cut

迷墙 3


  本片用迷幻的影像和摇滚乐讲述了一个非典型乐队主唱的成长史。儿时,平克(鲍勃吉尔道夫 Bob Geldof 饰)的父亲在二战中身亡,母亲与家庭医生关系暧昧,这让他幼小心灵备受创伤。在学校,他对呆板的填鸭教育深恶痛绝,时刻准备着绝地反击。成年后,他在泡吧时结识了风骚的舞女,并与之发生了关系。然而,性欲的满足感并没有维持太久,他就厌倦了这种不靠谱的感情,特别是他对于女人的怀疑和嫉妒达到了无以复加的地步,因此当对方再度示好投怀送抱的时候,他便歇斯底里地爆发了,仿佛要把全世界都砸碎了才算安心。在此期间,他还表达了强烈的反战情绪和愤世嫉俗的观念,在物质丰富的生活中,他的精神生活极度匮乏,在工业化大行其道的环境里,他还固守着梦想的断壁残垣……

美国思想的占领 3


  Israel's ongoing military occupation of Palestinian territory and repeated invasions of the Gaza strip have triggered a fierce backlash against Israeli policies virtually everywhere in the world -- except the United States. The Occupation of the American Mind takes an eye-opening look at this critical exception, zeroing in on pro-Israel public relations efforts within the U.S. ...