"波莱克·波利夫卡" 共找到影视: 27 部

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Pánskyklub 1


  Film adaptation of a stage play about a therapy group for male sex-addicts.

TichySpolecnik 10


  Lenka returns from Prague to her native village somewhere in southeast Moravia. Life and time flow a little differently here. Lenka needs to rest and recharge her batteries after the divorce. She comes in time when her father decides to sink to the bottom of the dam to find a buried box of plum brandy in the flooded house. In addition, the local cemetery has just run out of spa...

Cestadom 9


  The way home leads to where we came from. Not only in the physical sense, but also in the spiritual sense. It is the way to our birthplace, the way to our resources, forests, slopes, and fields. The road to clear water, to wildfire, to wind without fumes, to land without chemistry. The heroes of our story, each in his own way, seek the lost harmony with animals, with plants, an...

DedictvíanebKurvaseneríká 4


  Vlasticka died. Village church, funeral carriage pulled by horses, priest, and companions residents Olsan special life Bohumil Stejskal, a multi-millionaire by the will of God from Legacy I got older. Bohumil a little old. Added his possession, charge, kilograms and children. Woman lost her life. Plays music, sings local women's choir Quail, which was Vlasticka member. Death kn...

温柔的野蛮人 7


  赫拉巴尔一生干过许多工作,1949至1952年间曾短暂待过克拉德诺钢铁厂,并在此初次遇到毕生挚友、也是他笔下许多小说中的角色,那就是片中主角沃拉吉米尔波狄尼克(Vladimir Boudnik)。作为一位画家与摄影师,沃拉吉米尔在战后捷克艺文界占有举足轻重的地位,也是爆炸主义(Explosionism)的当家旗手。钢铁厂的工作经验,让他学会将身旁随手可得的工业废弃物用来创作;他尤其专...

棍 10

小羽毛 2


  Martina is a young girl who loves dancing and goes by a nick name Shakira. Martina is leaving a foster home in Eastern Slovakia as she has reached adulthood, now she plans to join her older boy friend Roman in Prague. Before she leaves, she promises to pick up her best friend Jana once Jana reaches 18 years as well. The film follows Martina's journey, and we will learn that the...

流浪狗阿甘 3


  A stray dog named Gump is searching for his place in the human world. He wishes to get a companion, but has to endure several challenges along the way.

母女马拉松 1


  • 已完结
  • 2019  

  Women on the Run. Vera has lived a wonderful life with Jindrich, and she is fully determined to fulfill his last wish - running a marathon. The emancipated and spirited mother of three daughters doesn't think that doing so will be a problem. She and her daughters will split up the route into four parts, and they'll overcome the over 42-kilometer-long challenge as a family relay...

不幸的事 2


  • 已完结
  • 1982  


布拉格狂想曲 8


  典型的欧洲家庭,一家四口,老爸肉联长劈肉的,布拉格本是个浪漫的地方,但是看了这片或许会觉得捷克人也太神经了,估计是被肉联厂给摧毁的幻想。老妈超市收银员,长得真老相,这让之后老爸的出轨有了充分理由,儿子在中学鬼混,抽**溜滑板。为了喜欢的女生忧郁万分,小女儿长得美极了,是个调皮捣蛋鬼,经常上课走神,经常被老师骂。   四口之家这家人的早上通常是这么开始,四个人停在镜子前各干各的,老爸刮胡子,儿子挤青春豆,粉刺长得十分彪悍。紧赶慢赶出门,先去老爸的肉联厂,然后老妈接着送两个在后面打成一团的儿女。   老妈的工作乏善可陈,对顾客微笑然后拿商品扫价格,她觉得脸都僵了。老爸在肉联厂干得可是风声水起,不时跟漂亮女同事调调情,然后婚外恋就出现了。   家里成了一团糟。不归的老爸,被警察逮了的儿子。找狐狸精拼命的老妈,小女儿的世界开始出现了一只神神叨叨的玩意,就是海...

光纤电人 8


  奥达索科普(Petr Forman 饰)是一个生活没有活力的男人,他宁可整天窝在家里看电视,也不愿出去走一走。某天,奥达感到四肢乏力,昏迷过去。三天后,医护人员破门而入,对他进行抢救。奥达从昏迷中慢慢醒来,见到了一个奇怪的男子,随后便神奇地恢复健康,充满活力。但在那个电视的世界中,有另一个奥达正试图夺取他的能量……
  本片荣获1995年布鲁塞尔国际奇幻电影节金鸦奖、1995年捷克金狮奖最佳票房奖和最佳编剧奖、1995年瑞典Gérardmer电影节评委会奖和特别提及、1994年Pilsen电影节观众奖最受欢迎影片、1996年Troms国际电影节观众大奖、1994年威尼斯电影节UCCA Venticittà奖。

战地婚礼 3


  • 正片

有希望的男人 9


  • 已完结
  • 2011  

  都说忠诚和信任是维持婚姻的重要纽带,但卢德福(波莱克·波利夫卡 Bolek Polívka 饰)觉得这简直是一派胡言,在他的婚姻观里,不忠和出轨不仅能够增加婚姻里的趣味,更能给妻子制造危机感,令两人的关系因危机感而充满情趣。不知是巧合还是幸运,贯彻了这一套“歪理”的卢德 福自己的婚姻一直以来都幸福美满,这更让他坚信自己是正确的。
  卢德福的女儿爱丽丝(彼得拉·赫雷比科娃 Petra Hrebícková 饰)即将和名叫安德鲁(吉日·马察科 Jirí Machácek 饰)的男人步入婚姻的殿堂,让卢德福感到失望的是,安德鲁竟然打算当一个常人眼中的“模范丈夫”,心急如焚的卢德福决定从自己的女儿下手,希望爱丽丝能够向自己学习,学习他那一套维持婚姻之道。