"沙布娜姆·博佐克罗" 共找到影视: 12 部

Altinsoylar 3


  • 最新更新
  • 2016  

  People whom fate brings together with misunderstandings; A lonely man, a young woman who ran away from her angry fiancee, the ALTINSOYLAR family, each of them crazy individuals.

UlanIstanbul 7


  • 最新更新
  • 2014  

  A group of thieves act like a family and help people by stealing in Istanbul.

MucizeAynalar 7


  • 最新更新
  • 2023  

CesurHemire 1


  • 最新更新
  • 2013  

  Cesur (Hakan Ylmaz), ad gibi "Cesur", soyad gibi "Yürekli" bir erkek hemiredir. Ad gibi Cesur, ve kahraman hemiremiz Cesur Hemire grdüü uzun kabustan uyanr. Cesur Hemirenin gerekte hayat ok farkldr. Evli ve ocuklu deildir artk ve biricik ak Ceyda ile henüz evli deil, sevgililerdir. Ama hala Ceyda'nn babas Fethi tarafndan sevilmeyen Cesur bumerang gibi k...

ElbetBirGün 3


  • 最新更新
  • 2021  

BunuBi'Düsünün 6


  • 最新更新
  • 2021  

  Ahmet Kenan Bey, who completely changed his perspective on life as a result of a separation he went through, questions the possibility of a better world during his conversations with his clients about relationships.

出租车司机2 2


  A Turkish barber tells stories which are almost unbelievable.

土耳其冰激凌 10



完美陌生人(土耳其版) 5


  The seven old friends decide to come together for dinner. Everyone is seated at the table, chatting, eating laughing accompaniment. During the meal, it is decided to play a game. The game is pretty simple; everyone will put their phones on the desk, every incoming message and notification will be read aloud. Their relationship begins to deteriorate. The group who thinks they ar...

家庭相册 2


  • 已完结
  • 2016  

  A couple in their late 30’s sets out to prepare a fake photo album of a pseudo pregnancy period in order to prove their biological tie to the baby they’re planning adopt.

尼亚孜.古尔历险记 1


  尼亚孜.古尔(Ata Demirer) 是一个普通的兽医. 他需要一批兽医类应届大学毕业生, 之所以他亲自开卷神奇的公式应聘新一批此行类毕业生.

邪恶力量 4
