"沃纳·赫尔佐格" 共找到影视: 128 部

电影课程 10


  • 已更新至8期
  • 1991  


基督教两千年 9


  • 已更新至25集

寻景非洲 9


  This film essay by Steff Gruber is a report on the exceedingly difficult work of making Werner Herzog's film COBRA VERDE in Ghana. The very personal film however is more than just a blow by blow account of the film's creation. It also focuses on the complicated relationship between the two stars Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski, the walk-on players (Herzog had a thousand young Gh...

新德国电影报告 6


  Interview film with the protagonists of the New German Cinema in 1966.

基督教两千年之第九集:神与负重者 10


  • 正片


沃纳·赫尔佐格:理性之外 5


  Alan Yentob meets the renowned German film director Werner Herzog in this documentary from the BBC's flagship 'Imagine' strand. Herzog is as far from the mainstream as it is possible to be, so it is a surprise when Alan finds him living in the Hollywood Hills. Spending time with Werner at some of his favorite Los Angeles locations, Alan attempts to uncover whether Herzog is the...

苦涩与骄傲之地 9


  With the examples of Leni Riefenstahls "Tiefland" (1941) and "Fitzcarraldo" by Werner Herzog, Nina Gladitz pose a question about the responsibility of the artist.

跳台飞跃的狂喜 5


  Film theorist Karen Beckman (STILL MOVING: BETWEEN CINEMA AND PHOTOGRAPHY) conducts a 2007 public interview at Philadelphia's Slought Foundation with eclectic filmmaker Werner Herzog (HEART OF GLASS, RESCUE DAWN, GRIZZLY MAN, INCIDENT AT LOCH NESS). Topics of discussion include life, art, and of...

Manaslu-BergderSeelen 2


迷失在世界花园 8


该死的球 5


  A portrait of Rudi Gutendorf and his friendship with Werner Herzog. A passionate football-coach who holds the world-record for having managed the most teams in the world (55).

梦想与负累 2


KlausKinski-IchbinkeinSchauspieler 6


  Klaus Kinski is one of the few German actors who has achieved international fame. He made headlines. And disappeared behind them. Kinski lived his parts 24/7. This film tells the story of a man who no longer could understand the difference or distinguish between fantasy and reality.

Schneeweirosenrot 7


  In the late sixties, Jutta and Gisela Schmidt, twins from Kassel, Germany, began to conquer the world their way. "Art is dead", was the slogan of those years. Starting from that idea, the two women rebelled against middle class society as if they gave vent to a new kind of art. They became active in the underground communist party KPD and showed a heart-felt interest in the col...