"汤姆·伯宁顿" 共找到影视: 13 部

劫机七小时 4


  • 电影解说
  • 2023  


TheConversations 5


  • 最新更新
  • 2016  

  A darkly quirky comedy-drama set in London that follows the unexpected journey of Ali Nawaab, a disillusioned dentist slash wannabe stand up comedian in his madcap attempts to erase the memories of his blonde American muse, Ellie Goldsmith.

AshensandthePolybiusHeist 5


  A heist like no other. A motley crew of misfits hunt down an infamous 80's arcade game that can supposedly control people's minds. But is the legend all that it appears Can the No-Confidence Crew get to it before it's too late And what do lawnmowers have to do with it The clock is ticking.

KidnapMe 6


  Ben and Charlie are stuck in a rut: He likes the quiet life and she'll do anything to close a deal. Their efforts to stay together take them from swingers parties to dogging parks but not even spanking will do the trick. So what do they do Ben has one last roll of the dice, and he books a luxury kidnap experience for Charlie's birthday. Picked up, trussed up and taken hostage ...

Hackney'sFinest 1


  A small-time drug-dealer gets into big trouble when a corrupt East London cop tries to steal a consignment meant for Welsh-Jamaican Yardies.

热情的眼睛 9


  • 已更新至36集
  • 2018  

  PBS电视网旗下的前线栏目,The Passionate Eye 推出“”“纪录仇恨”系列片,追踪全美极右翼的活动。本集聚焦2017年夏洛茨维尔骚乱过程,以及几个积极的右翼分子的身世背景,其中有来自纽约街头帮派头目、大学的博士、美军现役士兵、高中生等。由资深记者A.C. 汤普森主持和串联。

窃贼、妻子及皮划艇 9


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2022  

  这部4集剧讲述John Darwin伪造自己的死亡,以骗取人寿保险并避免破产。他和妻子Anne Darwin串谋,说服保险公司John Darwin独自去乘皮划艇时失踪,并得到超过25万英镑保险金。
  当时债台高筑的Darwin家已经有抵押贷款,还刷爆了13张信用卡,共欠下6.4万债务,当时Anne想申请破产,但最终被丈夫说服实行这看似荒谬的计划;但这计划成功实行长达5年,甚至骗过了两名儿子,得到保险金的John及Anne后来搬到巴拿马去,直至07年John Darwin在伦敦现身才被揭发。

睡眠 2


  A grief stricken captain embarks on his final mission in command of an ageing cargo ship. The ship's small crew, frustrated and discontent with their lives in deep space try to complete a successful mission, but the ship has ideas of it's own. Soon, an 'accident' onboard forces a diversion to Somnus, a derelict asteroid station in a forgotten sector of the solar system. They so...

教皇的驱魔人 8


  梵蒂冈首席驱魔人真实事迹改编,加布里埃·阿莫尔特神父(Father Gabriele Amorth)一生(于2016年去世,享年91岁)主持超过10万宗驱魔仪式。

阴影之源 2



萦绕教区 8


  Based on chilling real life events, this story charts one couple's terrifying real life encounter with the dark forces of the supernatural. In 1930, Reverend Lionel Foyster and his wife Marianne move into the Borley Rectory when Reverend Foyster is named rector of the parish. The couple's peaceful existence is soon shattered by a series of unexplained occurrences which quickly ...

沉睡魔咒2 2


  • 已完结
  • 2019  


为爱沉醉 7


  Comedy that takes the audience on a pub crawl around the seaside town of Hastings with its ensemble of fun and kooky characters as they tackle everyday life.