"权灵" 共找到影视: 7 部

神秘的人 6


  • 已更新至79期
  • 2014  

  Two teams take on a guessing game with a series of unusual, unlikely and often unbelievable line-ups. The celebrity teams have to work out who in each line up has the odd skill, talent or secret. The teams are allowed to ask questions to the lineup, to determine which of the number of available choices is the Odd One In. In the first series, playing along are a section of the a...

重光心史 8


  • 已更新至28集
  • 2002  

河内人 2


  • 已更新至8集
  • 1996  

骨血金钱 6


  • 最新更新
  • 1999  

蓼云仙 10


  • 已更新至14集
  • 2004  

  改编自越南19世纪作家阮廷炤(1822-1888)的同名喃字诗歌。陆云仙是一个文武双全的清寒书生,赶考途中救了女子乔月娥,两人一见钟情,但只得分手。陆云仙因母去世而弃考并双目失明,被朋友郑歆推入江中,幸得渔翁救起:投未婚妻武彩鸾家,武氏父女又背约把他弃置山洞,幸得樵夫搭 救,权居 寺庙。乔月娥闻噩耗决心守节,她拒绝了太师为子求婚,被太师上奏皇上把她进贡乌弋。她在途中投江自尽,被观世音漂送到裴俭花园,裴俭好色想娶她,她被迫逃入森林,住在老妪家。这时陆云仙已得到仙药复明,中了状元并平定乌弋之乱,在归途中巧遇乔月娥,严惩了一切奸恶者,有情人终成眷属。

男人怀孕 2


快乐回忆 10


  • 最新更新
  • 2018  

  Happy Memories is a television program airing on VTV3 channel in Vietnam, with the purpose to help viewers remember beautiful or impressive memories in the Decade of 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000. The program has three parts. In the overall competition, both teams together to answer a question on that decade, each question includes 3 answers A, B, C in a separate competition,...