"托马斯·沃瑞" 共找到影视: 9 部

Cestadom 9


  The way home leads to where we came from. Not only in the physical sense, but also in the spiritual sense. It is the way to our birthplace, the way to our resources, forests, slopes, and fields. The road to clear water, to wildfire, to wind without fumes, to land without chemistry. The heroes of our story, each in his own way, seek the lost harmony with animals, with plants, an...

Vejka 10


敏感的人 9


  The story focuses on a complicated relationship between a father and son. On their return to the Czech Republic to settle down after years of leading a nomadic lifestyle, 12-year-old Elias and his family encounter a swift string of events that turn their fortunes around. Elias, his dad and his little brother flee, disguised as women. While trying to reach a hospital to be reuni...

搭上亿万富翁 3


  Our story primarily focuses on revealing the relationships and mechanisms used by today’s information society. Dictatorships use propaganda, not public relations. Everyone knew about the propaganda but no one believed it. No one knows about public relations but everyone believes it. In short, being a billionaire these days is nothing to envy.…

布拉格狂想曲 8


  典型的欧洲家庭,一家四口,老爸肉联长劈肉的,布拉格本是个浪漫的地方,但是看了这片或许会觉得捷克人也太神经了,估计是被肉联厂给摧毁的幻想。老妈超市收银员,长得真老相,这让之后老爸的出轨有了充分理由,儿子在中学鬼混,抽**溜滑板。为了喜欢的女生忧郁万分,小女儿长得美极了,是个调皮捣蛋鬼,经常上课走神,经常被老师骂。   四口之家这家人的早上通常是这么开始,四个人停在镜子前各干各的,老爸刮胡子,儿子挤青春豆,粉刺长得十分彪悍。紧赶慢赶出门,先去老爸的肉联厂,然后老妈接着送两个在后面打成一团的儿女。   老妈的工作乏善可陈,对顾客微笑然后拿商品扫价格,她觉得脸都僵了。老爸在肉联厂干得可是风声水起,不时跟漂亮女同事调调情,然后婚外恋就出现了。   家里成了一团糟。不归的老爸,被警察逮了的儿子。找狐狸精拼命的老妈,小女儿的世界开始出现了一只神神叨叨的玩意,就是海...

Ing. 6



Dárecek 1



Rychlésípy 4


Zakonsamuraju 6
