"托尼·罗宾逊" 共找到影视: 26 部

时间团队第一季 3


  • 已更新至4集
  • 1994  

  A group of archaeologists have 3 days to discover historical artifacts in different sites around Britain.

埃及古墓探险第一季 4


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2018  

  我们将跟随托尼·罗宾逊,在埃及开启一段史诗般的墓穴探险之旅。托尼穿越尼罗河,从开罗到阿斯旺,研究各种形状和大小的墓穴。他拜访多位有新发现的考古学家,研究已封闭数千年的古墓。他跟随盗墓者的脚步,挖掘新的宝藏。他发现了只有古代埃及人见过的象形文字。托尼挤进到处是蛇的墓穴,在浸满水的隧道穿行,他发现埃及人比其他人更注重死后的安葬。这些新发现揭示了我们从未见过的埃及人。 爱奇艺视频
  第1集 发现遗址
  第2集 地下墓葬地

WalkingThroughHistorySeason3 6


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2014  

  Tony Robinson presents this television series in which he journeys by foot across historical landscapes around Britain. He visits places including West Yorkshire, the Cairngorms National Park and the Channel Islands and along the way makes discoveries about each location's past.
  The episodes are:
  S3 E1 - Bront Country
  S3 E2 - Victoria & Albert's Highland Fling
  S3 E3 - The Norm...

托尼·罗宾逊:从海岸到海岸 10


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2017  

  The actor picks up a pebble from the beach at St Bees in Cumbria and sets off along the 192 mile Wainwright Coast to Coast Walk to deposit it on the beach at Robin Hood's Bay on the other side of the country exploring the area en-route.

特里·普拉切特:黑衣归来 4


  When the writer Sir Terry Pratchett died in 2015, he was working on one last story - his own. But Terry's Alzheimer's meant he never got to finish it.
  This poignant and humorous film starring Paul Kaye as Terry finally tells the story of this hugely popular author, creator of Discworld, whose books have sold over 85 million copies worldwide. Back in Black reveals Terry's road t...

索姆河战役最初的24小时 6


  The Somme – The First 24 Hours was made for the hundredth anniversary of the Somme. Tony Robinson tells the powerful and moving story of five men of one battalion as they enlist, train for and take part in the worst disaster in the history of the British army. With a secret diary kept by Private Frank Meakin,Tony Robinson recounts the tale of the Sheffield City battalion where ...

托尼·罗宾逊的英国历史第一季 4


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2020  

  The actor and history enthusiast explores the history of Britain through the everyday lives of ordinary people during four periods of British history.

泰晤士河:英国最伟大的河流 1


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2019  

  The actor and television presenter embarks upon a 200-mile journey from source to sea to discover what makes the Thames one of the greatest rivers in the world.

英国古道第二季 1


  • 最新更新
  • 2016  

  Tony Robinson walks our oldest roads to find the truth behind the megaliths, burial sites, ley lines and hidden caves along their path, and connect the clues they have left hidden in the British landscape.

Channel4-TonyRobinson'sGodsandMonsters 6


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2011  

  Tony Robinson explores the weird and wonderful history of belief, superstition and religious experience in Britain. For 2000 years, Britain has been a Christian country. Or has it In fact, our ancestors actually kept many other dark, fantastical beliefs alive. It was a world underpinned by outlandish, dangerous and plain weird beliefs. Ideas that today seem unbelievable, but w...

黑爵士三世 1


  • 已更新至6集
  • 1987  

  英国19世纪摄政时期,乔治三世的傻儿子乔治(休·劳瑞 Hugh Laurie 饰)是当时威尔士的摄政王。这位粗俗不堪又愚蠢至极的摄政王奢靡无度,耗尽了国家的所有钱财。如果不是他的管家埃德蒙·黑爵士(罗温·艾金森 Rowan Atkinson 饰)在一旁辅佐,整个王朝必将毁于一旦。
  埃德蒙是一位落魄的前贵族,为人冷酷傲慢又尖酸刻薄。愤世嫉俗的埃德蒙总是摆出一副对所有人事充满厌恶的面孔,总觉得自己应该拥有更高更好的权位。做苦工的农民鲍德里克(托尼·罗宾逊 Tony Robinson 饰)是他的随从,蓬头垢面,整天臭气熏天。咖啡店老板梅根太太(海伦·阿特金森-伍德 Helen Atkinson-Wood 饰)开朗热情到有些令人生厌,她甚至听不出来埃德蒙对她的讥讽和侮辱。

黑爵士二世 2


  • 已更新至6集
  • 1986  

  故事承接第一季《黑爵士一世》,讲述六十年后的都铎王朝伊丽莎白一世时期的故事。金雀花王朝此时已经灭亡,由伊丽莎白一世(米兰达·理查森 Miranda Richardson 饰)继承王位。而这位像她的家族一样疯狂的女王,虽然性感诱人,却又极为情绪化。她一直都在寻找理想中的丈夫。伊丽莎白一世拥有一个最具权威的宫廷弄臣埃德蒙·黑爵士(罗温·艾金森 Rowan Atkinson 饰),他是《黑爵士一世》中埃德蒙王子的曾孙。
  此次,埃德蒙摇身一变成为愤世嫉俗又充满智慧的冷酷朝臣,欲借娶伊丽莎白一世而篡夺王位。爱耍小聪明的农民鲍德里克(托尼·罗宾逊 Tony Robinson饰)和愚蠢的贵族珀西(蒂姆·麦克纳尼 Tim McInnerny饰),再次协助埃德蒙展开啼笑皆非的夺权计划。然而,伊丽莎白一世的得力助手曼彻特主教(斯蒂芬·弗雷 Stephen Fry 饰)一...

火车游世界第一季 3


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2019  

  Sir Tony Robinson takes a whirlwind journey around the globe by train.

TonyRobinson‘sTourOfDuty 2


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2015  

憨豆先生,生日快乐! 4


  A documentary looking back at the thirty years since comedy legend Mr Bean landed on our screens. With classic clips and interviews from key creators, including Rowan Atkinson and Richard Curtis.