"弗拉基米尔·卡什普尔" 共找到影视: 8 部

炮兵营长 6


  • 已更新至4集
  • 1985  


VesyolyyeZhabokrichi 5



时间,前进! 5


  The movie is set in the 1930s in the Soviet Union at the construction site of the Magnitogorskiy metallurgical factory. The story is about one day in the process of building up the factory. After news arrived that workers in Kharkov have achieved higher results and set the record, the workers at Magnitogorskiy start to work their hardest in order to set new record and win the s...

“土星”的末日 6



狼之血 1


  Russia, the Urals, the Civil War. The country is split, it is unclear who is behind the Reds, who - for whites. There is no right or guilty. Healthy, adult, beautiful men gladly fight each other to give wicked joy of blood and death. And the worst thing that they all speak the same language. People are scared and confused. The commander of a special unit for Combating Counterre...

1953年,寒冷的夏天 1


  A huge hit when it was released, the movie is set in 1953, when after the death of Stalin, Beria pronounced an amnesty which put out of work camps an enormous amount of inmates, causing an increase in criminality.
  At a small village by a lake, live two political exiles spending there few years after camp sentence as "enemy of the people". They don't benefit from the amnesty. Th...

解放3:主攻方向 6



士兵之歌 8


  • 已完结
  • 1959  

  二战期间,19岁的通讯兵阿廖沙(弗拉迪米尔·伊瓦绍夫 Vladimir Ivashov饰)在卫国战争中用反坦克枪击毁了德军的两辆坦克而受到嘉奖。但阿廖沙请求将军不必为他授奖,只希望给他几天假回家探望一次母亲(安东尼娜·马克西莫娃 Antonina Maksimova饰)。于是阿廖沙踏上了为期只有六天的归家旅程。途中,阿廖沙邂逅了天真无邪的少女舒拉(让娜·普罗霍莲柯 Zhanna Prokhorenko饰),两人一见钟情。然而他们乘坐的火车被炸,他救死扶伤耽搁了不少时间。当阿廖沙终于回到家乡时,只来得及和母亲在田边说几句话就要返回前线。可这一去,阿廖沙就再没有回来。