"尼克·凯夫" 共找到影视: 27 部

Faithfull 2


  Marianne Faithfull has seen it all: success and celebrity at 17 years of age in Swinging London, life with Mick Jagger through the tumultuous Rolling Stones epic, scandal, drugs, addiction and decline, life in the street and then rebirth, awards and artistic recognition. Actress and director Sandrine Bonnaire tells her incredible journey, her thousand lives, her encounters with...

大海中的乔纳斯 5


TheWorkofDirectorJonathanGlazer 3


  Music Videos
  Radiohead Street Spirit
  Jamiroquai Virtual Insanity
  Richard Ashcroft A Song for the Lovers
  Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds Into My Arms
  UNKLE Rabbit in Your Headlights
  Blur The Universal
  Radiohead Karma Police
  Massive Attack Karmacoma
  Wrangler Ride
  Guinness Surfer (extended)
  Guinness Swim Black
  Guinness Dreamer
  Volkswagen Protection
  Stella ...

妙笔丹青 2


  The inmates and guards of a modern, clean and efficient maximum security wing are slowly and increasingly brutalised until they erupt in violence. Dark and macabre, and based in truth, the story is told in a traditional dramatic style combined with telephone interviews and narration.
  Australian director John Hillcoat's debut feature film, featuring an original score written and...

摇滚乐的历史 4


  • 已更新至10集
  • 1995  

  The history of rock n' roll and pop music are explored are explored via interviews and footage of well-known music stars.

愚人的祈祷 1


  • 最新更新
  • 2020  


我知道这是真的 8


  Andrew Dominik’s career has been crossing paths with Nick Cave’s since 2000’s Chopper, which was scored by original Bad Seeds member Mick Harvey. Seven years later, Cave wrote the music for The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, assisted by another bandmate, Warren Ellis. The next step in this decade-long friendship and partnership was the 2016 film One Mor...

沙漠中的乔纳斯 6


  Not a documentary in the strictest sense of the word. Rather, it is a journey through the world of the artist Jonas Mekas - one of the exponents of independent U.S. movies; founder and director of the New York Anthology Film Archive.

创造之脑 2


  Neuroscientist David Eagleman taps into the creative process of various innovators while exploring brain-bending, risk-taking ways to spark creativity.

再一次体悟 4


  其深陷的面容、著魔卻又脆弱的眼神,營造無可取代的獨特風格,黑暗音樂界大使、冷酷哥德教主、入籍「澳洲音樂協會名人堂」的Nick Cave,緊附Punk Rock、Gothic Rock、No Wave及Blues的曲風,在猶如吞吐字句呢喃著故事的演繹,探索各種情感的多變,舉凡瘋狂憤怒、晦暗頹靡、美麗虛無或是病態扭曲,無一不包。自1983年帶領Bad Seeds樂團,聯手以極為沈溺姿勢詮釋出迷人的魔鬼詩篇。Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds花費長達兩年時間錄製第16張錄音室新碟《Skeleton Tree》,如同封面的全黑呈獻,不僅是一張陰暗黑色調性的全數籠罩,更是極度悲傷的作品。空降英國亞軍、澳洲+丹麥+挪威+紐西蘭等多國冠軍,美國寫下出道以來成績最好的NO.27商業記錄。分別獲得每日電訊報、英國衛報、獨立報、NME、Q雜誌全數滿分推崇...

先知的猎物 4



地球两万天 9


  尼克凯夫起床。他寫作、進食、看電視、寫作。這是尼克凯夫在地球上的第两萬個日子:他化身爲司機,載著乘客遊晃在布萊頓,座上賓有壞種子樂團第一任吉他手Blixa Bargeld、名曲《Jubilee Street》MV主角Rey Winstone和女神凱莉米洛;那些在他生命中曾經有所關聯,又失去聯絡的人們。他們喃喃地述說著時間的流逝、記憶、孤獨與生死。

摇滚世代 10


  As the King of all music festivals takes a break in 2006, Temple's documentary is the closest thing you can get to the Glastonbury experience this year. It charts the history of the event, but is formed in a way that recreates the feeling...

TheWorkofDirectorAntonCorbijn 2


  ★ MV導演系列為您再推薦今年度推出的四位享譽全球MV導演當中的第三位 ANTON CORBIJN。 Anton Corbijn堪稱近25年硐碜u全球之影像藝術大師,其作品不管是平面攝影、CD封面設計、或是其為 Metallica、Nirvana、The Killer ... 等眾多知名搖L樂團所拍攝的音樂錄影帶,都曾在世界各地受到極為崇高的高度評價。 而他與全球頂禮膜拜之蹱柼m搖L天團 U2 和英Synth-Pop流行神話樂團 Depeche Mode 的長期合作關係,更是讓全球樂迷們印象深刻,而 Anton 推出的 《U2 & I》 一書更是暢銷熱賣。 近日著手拍攝第一部個人執導,改編自英國後龐克搖L名團 Joy Division 靈魂人物 Ian Curtis遺孀 Deborah Curtis 的著作 “Touching From ...