"奥尔罕·帕慕克" 共找到影视: 6 部

隐蔽的脸 2


  About a young photographer and a confused young woman and a whatchmaker.woman looks for a missing face,photographer helps her,takes photos for her.then he finds a face ;whatchmaker.after 2 days both of them get lost and young man searchs them city by city at anatolia. An epic story about love,family,msitic faces-places.Nobel winner ORHAN PAMUK's story and screen writer.

锵锵行天下第一季 2


  • 已更新至12期
  • 2018  

  《锵锵行天下》是腾讯新闻出品的一档海外深度文化体验旅行脱口秀节目,窦文涛作为节目主持人,与其老友嘉宾们摒弃传统圆桌对谈的形式,以独特视角、个人化感受、多维度信息的智者对谈旅行方式,从棚内到户外,走向世界,知行合一。 窦文涛与周轶君、许子东、吴军等嘉宾将开启土耳其与希腊两个迷人国度探索之旅,过程中充斥着思维的乐趣、语言的魅力;不同观点的碰撞与灵魂的交杯,通过宏大叙事和高密度知识点的输出,拓展网友的认知未知圈。

Imagine…OrhanPamuk:AStrangeMind 1


  Turkey’s best known writer, the Nobel prize-winning Orhan Pamuk, glories in his city of Istanbul, which in his lifetime has grown from two to 15 million people.
  Despite political controversy which nearly forced him into exile, he continues to live in the city which feeds his novels. They evoke the lost world of his own eccentric family, explore Turkey’s rich Ottoman past and en...

博斯,梦幻花园 9



纯真的记忆 9


  Orhan Pamuk – Turkey's Nobel laureate for Literature – opens a museum in Istanbul. A museum that's a fiction: its objects trace a tale of doomed love in 1970's Istanbul. The film takes a tour of the objects as the starting point for a trip through love stories, landscapes and the chemistry of the city.

Mandarin 2
