"哈尔·尼达姆" 共找到影视: 17 部

Bandit:BanditGoesCountry 4


  In what appears to be a prequel to the Smokey and the Bandit films, a young Bandit returns to his hometown to rekindle things with an old flame.

Bandit:BeautyandtheBandit 6


  TV version of "Smokey and The Bandit". This episode co-starred Kathy Ireland as a model, running from a man who wants money that she has. She gets a ride from The Bandit. They stop at a gas station, when she is inside, Bandit finds the money. She ends up taking his car, only to find out her money is gone. Bandit has it, so she returns to the station. Bandit continues to help Ka...

Bandit:BanditBandit 9


  • 正片

  Assigned to deliver a prototype car to a press conference for the Governor, things are complicated by a fraudulent Bandit who ends up stealing Bandit's rig AND the prototype. Now Bandit has to find out who's out to ruin his life and recover the car before the Governor's career is crucified by Big Bob on his radio show and while avoiding a determined Sheriff Buford Enright.

Bandit:Bandit'sSilverAngel 9


  • 正片

  Bandit (Brian Bloom), a man's man who enjoys driving his fast car and living the free-and-easy life and occasional interludes with fast women, gets an unexpected and unwelcome visit from his eccentric Uncle Cyrus. After stealing Bandit's car keys, Cyrus takes Bandit on a wild ride to a job appointment that Bandit had set up where a pretty assistant tells Bandit that the appoint...

单车小子 3


热情的眼睛 9


  • 已更新至36集
  • 2018  

  PBS电视网旗下的前线栏目,The Passionate Eye 推出“”“纪录仇恨”系列片,追踪全美极右翼的活动。本集聚焦2017年夏洛茨维尔骚乱过程,以及几个积极的右翼分子的身世背景,其中有来自纽约街头帮派头目、大学的博士、美军现役士兵、高中生等。由资深记者A.C. 汤普森主持和串联。

CimarronStrip 10


HaveGun-WillTravel 1


疯狂大镖客 2


  俊俏的牛仔汉森负责保护俏媚小姐,帮她爸爸领钱回家。偏偏银行家艾佛瑞辛普森对这一大笔钱早就虎视耽耽,暗中雇了一个叫仙人掌杰克的老牛仔来抢钱。就在牛仔汉森与俏媚小姐回程的路上,仙人掌杰克使出浑身解数要抢钱,偏偏每次都搞得灰头土脸,甚至还请来印第安酋长帮忙。后来居然发生了令人 跌破眼镜的事情……

王牌赛手 1


  Stroker Ace is a popular race car driver from Waycross, Georgia, and (according to dialogue), a three-time champion, on the NASCAR circuit. An all-or-nothing man, he wins if he does not crash. He is arrogant and pompous, with no regard for the business side of his racing team. He also has an on-track, season-long rivalry with ambitious young driver Aubrey James (Parker Stevenso...

炮弹飞车 3



横冲直撞斗飞车2 3


卖命生涯 8


  Hollywood aging stuntman Sonny Hooper wants to prove that he's still got what it takes to be a great professional in this risky and under-recognized line of work.

警察与卡车强盗 1


  简 评:虽然本片的故事简单和只能成为飞车场面的籍口,但片中的动作部分却拍出了漫画般的生动热闹,充分满足观众的感官层次要求,几位主角也演出了特色.

炮弹飞车2 1

