"吉姆·加菲根" 共找到影视: 55 部

哭婴径 1


  Andrew (Jase Blankfort) and his older brother Carl (Trey Rogers) enjoy listening to ghost stories that the local undertaker, Mr. Bennett (Frank Langella), tells them. One night Bennett tells the tale of a local farmer whose wife gave birth to conjoined twins, one being good-natured while the other was clearly evil. The farmer, ashamed of them, kept the twins locked in their roo...

CallYourMother 4


  A hilarious ode to moms and the way they have shaped the work of some of comedy's biggest stars.

25Sets 5


  Aaron Berg is one of the hardest working comics in New York City. As everyone who's anyone in NYC will attest, it is only fitting that he set out to break the world record for most comedy sets in one night.

吉姆·加菲根:苍白的游客 9


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2020  

扣扣熊晚间秀第五季 7


  • 最新更新
  • 2019  

  Actor Jim Gaffigan (American Dreamer (2018)); journalist Ann Curry (Chasing the Cure (2019)).

谐星乘车买咖啡第八季 5


  • 已更新至6期
  • 2016  

  本季谐星:Jim Gaffigan、Margaret Cho、Judd Apatow、 J.B. Smoove、 Lorne Michaels、John Oliver。

加菲根秀第一季 5


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2015  

  Comedy about a husband and wife trying to raise their five kids in a New York two-bedroom apartment.

凡人烦人第一季 4


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2009  


TheJimGaffiganShowSeason2 7


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2016  

  Comedy about a husband and wife trying to raise their five kids in a New York two-bedroom apartment.

冰血暴第三季 8


  • 已完结
  • 2017  

  第三季的时间线将回到2010年,第一季的几年后。伊万在剧中将饰演一对形象和性格大相径庭的兄弟,哥哥埃米特是明尼苏达州一个白手起家的房地产大亨,多金,英俊,拥有美满的家庭,他把自己的经历看做一段成功的美国励志故事。而弟弟雷则拥有截然不同的生活,秃顶,大腹便便,曾经高中的霸 王现在成了一名假释官,他把自己的不幸怪罪给哥哥。凯丽·库恩扮演的Gloria Burgle是伊甸谷(Eden Valley)警局局长,一位刚刚离婚的母亲。玛丽·伊丽莎白·文斯蒂德的角色名字叫Nikki Swango,是一个桥牌爱好者和刚刚获得假释的罪犯。

影评人霍华德 4


  This is the story of Howard Cantour. A film critic. A warrior. He lives his life vicariously through movies and in movies. But Howard is no sellout. He says it like he sees it. This is the story of his life and how he struggles to review his film hero's latest directed movie.

幽灵女孩 10


  • 已完结
  • 2019  

  佐莎·马梅特、斯科特·斯比德曼出演奇幻爱情电影[幽灵女孩](Shadow Girl,暂译)。作品由克劳迪娅·迈克斯自编自导。女孩霍莉在其母亲去世后,身体逐渐变得隐形,她作为狗仔摄影记者在阴影中生活了十余年,直到遇见了一个落魄的前MMA综合格斗冠军,而这个男人是唯一能看见她的人。

美国追梦人 8


  A down on his luck HAIL driver who makes extra cash chauffeuring a low level drug dealer around town, finds himself in a serious financial bind and decides to kidnap the dealer's child.

目标一 3


  • 已完结
  • 2020  

  故事讲述前***瘾君子丹尼尔·莱格参与了一项毒品交易,以错误的理由为错误的人提供帮助。 当交易失败时,丹尼尔被扔进泰国监狱,并被判处100年徒刑。 当他试图在曼谷被监禁时幸存下来时,他被定罪的消息引起了环球邮报记者维克托·马拉雷克的注意,他决定追捕负责对丹尼尔进行错误指控的阴暗卧底警察。