"史蒂文·莫法特" 共找到影视: 66 部

最可怕的谋杀 2


  • 已更新至24集
  • 1991  

  Murder Most Horrid is a British dark comedy anthology series starring Dawn French. It was broadcast on BBC Two for four series runs, in 1991, 1994, 1996 and 1999.
  Created by Paul Smith, who also co-created Colin's Sandwich (with Terry Kyan, as noted below) and has written for The Brittas Empire, among other programmes, the series starred French as a different character in each ...

谈笑分生第二季 9


  • 已更新至6集
  • 1995  

  Set six months after the end of series one, Mark meets Becky in a newsagents, where he is purchasing pornographic magazines. He discovers the location of Becky and Trevor's house and breaks in using Tracy's keys. However, he is forced to hide under the bed when Becky and Trevor return home. Listening to them having sex, he becomes optimistic when he thinks that Becky begins to ...

少年报社 6


  • 已更新至43集
  • 1989  

  A bunch of kids are to make a newspaper for the young, named "Junior Gazette". The series follows these kids both on job and in private.

巴黎春日 7


  A Documentary looking at the Behind the scenes filming on City of Death. Talking to cast and crew as well looking at Douglas Adams career in Dr who, as a writer and script editor.

神秘博士幕后揭秘第一季 2


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2014  

  原 Doctor Who Confidential(2005),现有Doctor Who Extra(2014- ),同译为神秘博士幕后揭秘。每集10分钟到到13分钟不等。

神秘博士:空间和时间 6


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2011  

  Amy is trying to get the Doctor's attention while he fixes the TARDIS. She discovers that Rory is helping the Doctor by installing thermal couplings underneath the glass floor of the TARDIS. Rory and Amy then start a small argument, when the TARDIS suddenly shakes and the lights go out. The Doctor asks Rory if he dropped a thermal coupling, which Rory admits to and apol...

神秘博士:博士再访 10


  • 已更新至11期
  • 2013  

  The Doctors Revisited was a series of documentaries produced and broadcast by BBC America to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. One documentary was broadcast every month, each focusing on a different incarnation of the Doctor. The series began in January with a First Doctor documentary and proceeded chronologically through the Doctors until it culminated with an Elev...

谈笑分生第一季 8


  • 已更新至6集
  • 1991  

  Well congratulations you've found a pure gem of a show, a little two dark and close to home for some people but this Bittersweet tale of a relationship gone wrong is simply excellent and thoroughly compelling. Using the Stand up introduction that was later popularised by Seinfeld the show manages to draw you into the life of the main characters flawlessly and is at times truly ...

冤家成双对第四季 10


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2004  

  本剧集是BBC 2台2000年正式推出的以青年人为题材和对象的系列情景喜剧,创意和编剧均由Steven Moffat一人担当。三男三女的主要人物构成很容易使人联想到当时正走红(其实已经在走下坡路)的《Friends》,因此很有不少根本没看过本剧的媒体人士和评论家想当然地将本剧称作英国版的《Friends》,而在那些有幸欣赏过本剧的观众们看来,《Coupling》在情节设定、人物表演、喜剧元素的设计和表现等诸多方面所达到的水平,要比《Friends》高几个档次。相比之下,《Friends》只能说是一部“业余”水平的好作品而已。当然总体来说,英剧的水准本身就高于美剧,这和英剧注意保持创意、编剧一体化是分不开的,美剧的创意一般也就为最初几集编剧,以后主要的编剧工作都是由其它编剧根据最初的角色设定来自由发挥,编剧队伍的构成也是不断变化,老的走新的来,造成美剧...

冤家成双对第三季 6


  • 已更新至7集
  • 2002  

  本剧集是BBC 2台2000年正式推出的以青年人为题材和对象的系列情景喜剧,创意和编剧均由Steven Moffat一人担当。三男三女的主要人物构成很容易使人联想到当时正走红(其实已经在走下坡路)的《Friends》,因此很有不少根本没看过本剧的媒体人士和评论家想当然地将本剧称作英国版的《Friends》,而在那些有幸欣赏过本剧的观众们看来,《Coupling》在情节设定、人物表演、喜剧元素的设计和表现等诸多方面所达到的水平,要比《Friends》高几个档次。相比之下,《Friends》只能说是一部“业余”水平的好作品而已。当然总体来说,英剧的水准本身就高于美剧,这和英剧注意保持创意、编剧一体化是分不开的,美剧的创意一般也就为最初几集编剧,以后主要的编剧工作都是由其它编剧根据最初的角色设定来自由发挥,编剧队伍的构成也是不断变化,老的走新的来,造成美剧...

冤家成双对第二季 6


  • 已更新至9集
  • 2001  


冤家成双对第一季 5


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2000  

  苏珊(莎拉·亚历山大 Sarah Alexander 饰)漂亮、自信,知道自己想要什么,并善于在恋爱关系中掌握主导地位。她的前男友帕特里克(本·迈尔斯 Ben Miles 饰)也是个情场高手。苏珊最好的朋友萨利(凯特·李斯特 Kate Isitt 饰)是个美容师,终日担心衰老,整天和各种化妆品打交道。苏珊的现男朋友史蒂夫(杰克·达文波特 Jack Davenport 饰)是个假正经的帅哥,喜欢发长篇大论。他的前任女友简(吉娜·贝尔曼 Gina Bellman 饰)是个厉害的性感尤物,是“所有男人最可怕的噩梦”。而他的好友杰夫(理查德·柯伊尔 Richard Coyle 饰)一方面非常喜欢给朋友们提供恋爱和性爱方面的建议,另一方面却一见女人就紧张得手足无措。

神探夏洛克第二季 3


  • 已完结
  • 2012  

  第二季第一集承接上一季最后一集的剧情,从被炸弹和狙击枪威胁的夏洛克(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 Benedict Cumberbatch 饰)和华生(马丁·弗瑞曼 Martin Freeman 饰)和莫里亚蒂(安德鲁·斯科特 Andrew Scott 饰)第一次正式会面开始。 接着夏洛克在接受白金汉宫一份重要委托的案件中遇到了亦正亦邪的神秘女子艾琳·艾德勒(拉娜·普尔弗 Lara Pulver 饰),一位旗鼓相当的对手,一个使他心动的女子。这一次莫里亚蒂使大众相信夏洛克所有的事迹全是虚构,使之变成一个伪英雄名誉扫地。而为了彻底打垮夏洛克迫使他跳楼,莫里亚蒂竟立刻吞枪自杀,结局到底如何,夏洛克会因此中了他的圈套吗?精彩尽在第二季。

神秘博士第五季 1


  • 已完结
  • 2010  

  Episode 1: The Eleventh Hour
  Episode 2: The Beast Below
  Episode 3: Victory of the Daleks
  Episode 4: The Time of Angels
  Episode 5: Flesh and Stone
  Episode 6: The Vampires of Venice
  Episode 7: Amy's Choice
  Episode 8: The Hungry Earth
  Episode 9: Cold Blood
  Episode 10: Vincent and the Doctor
  Episode 11: The Lodger
  Episode 12: The Pandorica Opens
  Episode 13: The Big Bang