"史蒂夫·麦奎因" 共找到影视: 49 部

通缉令:不论死活第一季 3


  • 最新更新
  • 1958  

  A Civil War veteran with a sawed-off rifle as a holstered weapon makes a living as a bounty hunter in the m.77mi.cc Wild West of the 1870s.

人情味 7


  • 已更新至32集
  • 1959  

  Newspaperman Bill Everett is told by his editor to go to the bar across the street and interview a man who claims to be a Martian. There, Everett meets Howard Wilcox who spins a long tale about how he woke up one morning to find that his fellow Martians had all disappeared. He traveled to Earth and found himself in Wilcox's body. Everett convinces him to go home to his wife and...

被占城市 9


  LOGLINE: Living in Amsterdam for me is like living with ghosts. It feels there are always two or three parallel narratives unfolding at once. The past is always present.
  The past collides with our precarious present in Steve McQueen’s bravura documentary Occupied City, informed by the book Atlas of an Occupied City (Amsterdam 1940-1945) written by Bianca Stigter. McQueen create...

威尼斯赌王 8


一网打尽 4


战地龙蛇 5


  Deux sergents réfléchissent à leur vie civile après leur démobilisation

蓬斗碧玉泪 1


  Henry Thomas is out on parole in a small Texan town and, in the evenings, he is the lead singer in a band. He is being pressured by his foster mother to give up his singing and go back to school. His wife, Georgette, and young daughter unexpectedly come to town to live with him. However Henry's hot temper leads him into knife fights, and jeopardizes his parole.

华丽冒险 10


小斧子 2


  • 已更新至5集
  • 2020  

  《黑豹 Black Panther》的Letitia Wright及《星球大战 Star Wars》新三部曲演员John Boyega加盟BBC剧《细斧 Small Axe》,这部剧已获Amazon购下美国点播权。 这部6集剧会讲述5个不同的故事,背景设置在60-80年代的伦敦西印度社区。剧集标题来自牙买加谚语「If you are the big tree, we are the small axe.」,意指即使是微弱的异议声,仍然可以挑战强权一方。 其余演员包括Malachi Kirby﹑Shaun Parkes﹑Rochenda Sandall﹑Alex Jennings 及Jack Lowden。

万里歼仇 2



每个星期天 6


  从专业角度来讲,这是Bruce Brown(布鲁斯.布朗)最好的电影,它向观众展示了摩托车赛最真实的一面——在加拿大魁北克城的一次冰上赛中,骑手们戴上皮质面具装上带钉的轮胎,在暴风雪中呼啸前进。如同绘画般的拍摄手法和快速切换的镜头紧密结合在一起,同时机敏迅速的旁白也会让你兴奋,更不要说Stave McQueen的客串了。
  布鲁斯.布朗以他的仿纪录片《无尽之夏》和《无尽之夏2》而闻名。你可能会因此误以为他的爱好仅在于冲浪。在《无尽之夏》五年之后,他又和Steve McQueen的太阳影业合作拍摄了全面反映北美摩托车赛状况的《每个星期天》。本片在当时获得了不错的效果(获得奥斯卡奖提名),不过却迅速销声匿迹了。最早发行的录影带质量不是太好,而且很快就难以买到。不过最近Monterey之家影像公司重新发行了一...

切入真相 3


硬汉史蒂夫·麦奎因 9


  STEVE MCQUEEN: THE MAN and LE MANS is the story of obsession, betrayal and ultimate vindication. It is the story of how one of the most volatile, charismatic stars of his generation, who seemingly lost so much he held dear in the pursuit of his dream, nevertheless followed it to the end.

变形怪体 1



巴宝莉先生 9


  Two people are passionately in love and go off on a dirty weekend in London's Hotel Café Royal.