"凯莉·罗兰" 共找到影视: 26 部

佩雷兹希尔顿全方位第一季 7


  • 已更新至4期
  • 2011  

  《佩雷兹希尔顿 超级粉丝》是2011年在英国播出的明星特别电视系列节目。
  该节目在英国ITV2首播,英国地区播出结束后以《佩雷兹希尔顿 全方位(Perez Hilton All Access)》的标题在美国、加拿大等市场播出。
  美国名人博主佩雷兹希尔顿以全程跟拍的形式深入了解四位国际巨星的生活 —— Lady Gaga、Katy Perry、Kelly Rowland和Enrique Iglesias。

澳洲之声第六季 9


  • 已更新至20期
  • 2017  

诺曼·利尔:跨越世纪的音乐与欢笑 4


  • 最新更新
  • 2022  

  Honoring the life and legacy of the remarkable storyteller, activist and philanthropist Norman Lear; featuring an impressive lineup of celebrity guests and musical performances to celebrate his 100th birthday.

TheSpinCrowd 4


  • 最新更新
  • 2010  

  Meet the people who make other people famous. Produced by Kim Kardashian, this series goes behind the scenes of Command PR, an agency that throws Hollywood parties to promote products. But when the hosts are bigger divas than the celebrities, will there be enough room on the Red Carpet for everyone

SavingOurSelves:ABETCOVID-19ReliefEffort 3


  • 最新更新
  • 2020  

  在COVID-19 全球疫情衝擊下,弱勢人口受到尤其嚴重的衝擊。在美國,非裔因COVID-19病故的比例比其他族群高至少3.4倍,體現出健康權的嚴重不公。
  為了支持以非裔、拉美裔為主要組成的有色人種社區,黑人娱乐電視台(BET, Black Entertainment Television)發起了的線上音樂集會活動,傳遞音樂、安慰,並籍此募捐,以用於支持這些弱勢社區的公益項目。
  The “Saving Our Selves: A BET COVID-19 Relief Effort” broadcast special, will air on Wednesday, April 22, at 8/7c. The special, co-hosted by Grammy Award-Winning singer and actress Kelly Ro...

Lovebythe10thDate 8


  Four friends (Meagan Good, Kelly Rowland, Keri Hilson, Kellee Stewart) balance their dating adventures with their career ambitions at an upscale magazine, teaching themselves and each other how to get the most out of love and life.

英国偶像第八季 10


  • 已更新至31期
  • 2011  

  The X Factor is a British television music competition to find new singing talent. The eighth series began airing on ITV on 20 August 2011. Louis Walsh is the only judge from the previous series to return, as the other three judges, Simon Cowell, Dannii Minogue and Cheryl Cole, all left to judge other shows. Walsh is joined by Gary Barlow, Kelly Rowland and Tulisa Contostavlos....

澳洲之声第九季 5


  • 已更新至20期
  • 2020  

  Get ready Australia, The Voice returns on Sunday May 24 at 7.00pm on Nine for a season unlike any other!
  For the very first time, each and every superstar Coach from the previous season is returning — and all bets are off.
  Delta Goodrem, Boy George, Kelly Rowland and Guy Sebastian are hungrier than ever to claim the winning Coach crown and aren't holding back on their mission t...

澳洲之声第八季 4


  • 已更新至20期
  • 2019  

X音素(美版)第三季 4


  • 已更新至27期
  • 2013  

  《X音素》第三季即将在九月份回归,而新一季的评委阵容也已经确定由Demi Lovato、Kelly Rowland和最成功拉丁流行艺人Paulina Rubio以及不可缺少的毒舌评委三叔Simon Cowell这四人担任。
  福克斯广播公司另类娱乐频道总裁Mike Darnell说“Kelly和Paulina两位才华洋溢的女评委加入到节目中真是让我们太期待了。我很想看看Simon要怎么应对每周与这三位...

解释一切第三季 5


  • 已更新至14集
  • 2021  

  Once crucial for survival, sugar now poses a health risk. Is there a way to satisfy our primeval craving for sweetness in a healthy, ba lanced way
  "The End of Oil"
  "Your Skin"
  "Plastic Surgery"
  "Dance Crazes"
  "Country Music"
  "Fairy Tales"

SuperBowlXLVIIHalftimeShow 8


  • 最新更新
  • 2013  

归家:碧昂斯电影作品 2


  《Homecoming》带我们近距离感受碧昂斯在 2018 年科切拉音乐节上的精彩演出,这场演出致敬了美国历史上的黑人学院和大学。《Homecoming》穿插了一些真情洋溢的镜头和采访,详细讲述了她的愿景背后的准备工作和强烈的意图,记录了从创意构思到文化运动的感人历程。