"克里斯·马克" 共找到影视: 72 部

表厂之战 3


火山禁止令 1


  An account of Vulcanologist Haroun Tazieff's long "love story" with the formidable Nigarongo, a volcano situated in what was formerly Belgian Congo, from 1948 when Tazieff was the first man ever to climb it and to explore it until the mid sixties.

LaBatailledesdixmillions 3


难民营里的八点档 9


  Chris Marker's documentary about a group of Bosnian refugees who produce their own news show inside their camp.

智利言说 9


  On vous parle du Chili : ce que disait Allende, de Miguel Littin, France, 1973, 16’, nb
  post-production :Chris Marker
  collection Bpi
  Interview de Salvador Allende par Régis Debray.
   Je crois que la bourgeoisie part d’une erreur, qui fait de l’homme le facteur essentiel dans un processus social. Nous, nous savons que c’est le peuple, que ce sont les masses. (...) Pour le Chili,...

SlonTango 4


  An oddly rhythmic and balletic tape emerges from the juxtaposition of an elephant lumbering around his enclosure at the zoo and elegant music by Stravinsky.
  Filmed at Ljubljana Zoo, Slovenia. Tango: Igor Stravinsky

我们来谈谈布拉格 10


  View production, box office, & company info

Listenoire 4


猫头鹰的遗产 3


  • 已更新至13集
  • 1989  

  The Owl's Legacy is a symposium. A symposium of symposium's. A gathering over food and wine where the host, in this case Marker, picks a topic of discussion, which is ritually discussed in unison with the passing of the wine. The conversation becomes a journey. A journey in which the destination is unknown and the possibilities are endless. For this symposium, strictly for inte...

我们谈谈巴西:酷刑 2


  Chris Marker interviews a group of revolutionary militants opposed to Brazilian's dictatorship who endured and survived the tortures and brutalities from the forces of oppression during the...人人网。

横渡欲望 2


  What was your first desire What did you long for most Arielle Dombasle put these questions to a collection of famous people.

是!古巴 10


三呼鲸鱼 8


  THREE CHEERS FOR THE WHALE chronicles the history of mankind's relationship with the largest and most majestic of marine mammals, and graphically exposes their slaughter by the fishing industry. Chris Marker's co-director, Mario Ruspoli, descendant of an aristocratic Italian family, had been a journalist, painter and ethnologist before discovering his vocation as a documentary ...

歌手的孤独 8


  In 1974, Marker made La solitude du chanteur de fond, which follows Yves Montand as he
  prepares a benefit concert for Chilean refugees. That Montand had not performed live in many
  years made his participation in this concert all the more significant. The portrait of Montand
  is intercut with footage from films in which he starred, including Costa Gavras's Z (1969) and
  L'Aveu (19...