"亚历山大·拉多伊契奇" 共找到影视: 5 部

Zigosaniureketu 8


  • 已更新至44集
  • 2018  

  Two best friends and former basketball players are trying to re-establish their once successful basketball club. "Zigosani u reketu" is a nostalgic and romantic comedy about second chances, and about friendship between a Serb and a Croat.

Sjene 9


  Frantisek Lebl wakes up haunted by the shadows of the past. Remembering the time spent in Terezin prison and confession of Gavrilo Princip, Lebl realize that the secret which he kept must be revealed.

巴尔干边界 1


  • 已完结
  • 2019  

  1999年, 南斯拉夫。 俄罗斯特遣部队被命令控制科索沃的斯拉蒂纳机场,直到增援部队抵达。但这一战略目标对于阿尔巴尼亚战地指挥官和北约将军来说极为重要。该组织被迫与恐怖分子进行不平等的战斗。俄罗斯维和部队和北约部队正赶往机场。世界再次接近一场大战。但是特别组织的指挥官安德烈 ·沙塔洛夫并不接受政治:在机场,他心爱的女孩亚斯纳是人质之一......

Zastitapresvega 1


  "Safety first!" is a story of two young couples, who try to hook up one night, during Covid. Everything works against them, including some very crazy characters, but the need for love is too strong.

我们是世界冠军 8


  讲述了四位开拓 “南斯拉夫篮球学校” 先驱们的故事,是他们的功劳使这项运动在国内和欧洲得以发展。核心时间是1970年在卢布尔雅那,南斯拉夫和美国队之间进行的的世界杯决赛。从主人公 Nebjja Popvii 的角度来看,人会追随拥抱热情的人生为榜样,是职业的精神,想法和努力使他们梦想成真 — 南斯拉夫在世界锦标赛上的第一枚金牌。