"纪录片" 共找到影视: 55791 部

老板不知道的我老友季 6


  • 已更新至8期
  • 2023  

  由BOSS直聘、江苏卫视联合出品的职场纪实性观察对谈节目《老板不知道的我 老友季》诚意归来。本季主题为“老友季”,八组老板员工都曾是多年的职场战友,羁绊多、感情深、情感浓、敢直怼。他们并肩多年,他们心照不宣,却依然有一些问题想要直接谈。
  在职场里情感关系逐渐单一的趋势下 ,大家逐渐丧失了对工作和工作伙伴投入真情实感的勇气。本季节目通过观察8对付出了真情实感的上下级关系,剖析他们遇到的问题,探讨职场关系的价值,传递真实与希望。

中国第三季 5


  • 更新至09集
  • 2023  

  讲述中国神话历史,追溯上古时代到人类文明如何一步步构建发展的故事(从上古神话到商周礼乐—探寻中华文明起源)。以纪录片的形式传播,以原画+CG 特效的方式展示,探源中华文明,向年轻一代展现传承的力量,向世界传达中华文化的魅力,让中国历史文明更好地传承、传播、创新。

JFK:OneDayinAmerica 5


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2023  

  At the Television Critics Association Winter Press Tour, National Geographic announced an expansion of “The One Day in America” franchise, with a new documentary, “JFK: One Day In America”. The series marks 60 years since the assassination of JFK, and they are the last surviving witnesses to these extraordinary events.
  The series will tell the story of the assassination of Joh...

贝克汉姆 4


  在《贝克汉姆》中,奥斯卡金像奖得主费舍·史蒂芬斯(《帕尔默》《绿动未来》《海豚湾》)以及奥斯卡金像奖和艾美奖获奖制片人约翰·巴特瑟克(《九月的某一天》《寻找小糖人》《Winter on Fire》)破天荒地与大卫、他的妻子维多利亚、他的家人、朋友和队友们见面,让观众深入了解这位传奇人物,书写了一部近代体育和名人文化的编年史。

博罗米尼:巴洛克的黑暗面第一季 9


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2023  

  ...Of Baroque. Francesco Borromini, a true great of Baroque Rome, is known for his unparalleled genius, serving to revolutionise architecture forever. This documentary tells his story.

ColdCaseGeschichteSeason1 10


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2021  

  The violent murder of an Egyptian pharaoh, the inexplicable disappearance of two young princes, or the questionable ******* of a troubled artist – the futuristic series Cold Case reopens the darkest chapters of history. Using modern forensic science techniques and criminalistics, we revisit infamous cold cases such as Ramses III, King Richard and the two Princes, and Vincent Va...

Hitler'sCountdowntoWarSeason1 6


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2021  

  What historical events led Hitler to declare war and why In this history series, we take an intriguing look at the countdown to World War 2 through the eyes of Adolf Hitler himself. The countdown started on 12th March 1938, when Hitler and his Nazi troops crossed the German border and invaded Austria and ended on the 3rd of September 1939, when both Britain and France declared...

小导演大电影 4


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2023  


TheGreatStinkof1858Season1 4


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2023  

  Xand van Tulleken traces the story of the Great Stink as it enters its second month. The excrement of nearly 3 million Londoners continued to flow into the Thames, where it was festering under the blazing sun. Xand reveal show even Queen Victoria now suffered from the stench. During a trip to see Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s giganticship, the Great Eastern, the Queen was ‘half-poi...

好吃的非遗 6


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2023  


UnsereMeereSeason1 6


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2023  

  Prize-winning wildlife filmmaker Thomas Behrend spent more than two years filming in the waters of the North and Baltic Seas to explore these diverse marine habitats off the shores of Europe. Innovative drone and underwater camera technology provide an intimate insight into the lives of rare sea creatures, including behaviour never before captured on film.
  We follow the first p...

寻找灵魂伴侣:逃离双生火焰宇宙 10



NamibiasNaturwunderSeason1 3


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2023  

  Namibia is a country of contrasts, from the arid savannahs to flowing rivers and rugged coastlines. This documentary explores the natural wonders of the country in southern Africa.
  Despite the dry and barren habitat, the Kalahari Desert in the east is home to a range of rare and fascinating creatures. The ground pangolin resembles a cute dinosaur but is endangered due to habita...

今天忙啥呢? 10


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2023  


垃圾的秘密世界第二季 10


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2020  

  Documentary about people working in the front line of waste management.
  NARRATOR: David Schofield